Monday, 8 March 2010


For our film sequence, we will be using many props to help us create an effective opening.

The scene that connects the sequence is Sophie sitting at her desk, writing in her diary. The diary is an effective tool which creates a further insight into the way Sophie sees the world, and serves to pull together seperate incidents in the confusion of her mind.

One important scene in the opening sequence is that in which Sophie self-harms. She uses scissors to cut into her wrist, and they serve as a significant prop, only used very briefly, but with a huge effect both on the character and the audience.

Another similarly significant scene is the one in which Sophie and her parents eat. The main props are the cutlery, plates and food - Sophie doesn't eat, creating a greater image of the depression from which she is suffering.

In the scene in which Sophie contemplates suicide, we use the television remote, and the paracetamol she takes in an attempt at killing herself.

In all, the props help shape the story and enhance clarity throughout. They serve a significant and necessary part in the sequence, making things easier for the actors and filling the important plot points.

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